In memory of Tomas A. Alvarez 

( July 10, 1969 - November 14, 2011 )

 A brilliant mind, and a brilliant soul, Tom will remain in our hearts and memories for all time. He was a man of great creativity and intelligence, creating both the villain Lord Phlegmis—sometimes called “LP” or “Phlegmie”—and his heroic counterpart Battery. He was a man of great insight and integrity, spinning tales of epic proportion that delved deeper into our own characters—fictional and otherwise—as well as his own, and honoring each individual’s creation in the process. He was a man of great humor and great passion—especially when it came to bacon—and poured that passion into his work and his relationships. There will never be another hero quite like Tom. He will forever be an integral part of Skiffytown. 

Tom, we love you and miss you. Until we meet again, old friend. Excelsior!